My all-time favorite, comfy-cozy looking space has to be this room, which is in the London home of the great designer, John Stefanidis. I featured it on my blog many years ago, but I felt it was worth revisiting, especially since I recently bought the book, Living in Style London
So why is this my ultimate cozy room? First, it has to be those red silk moiré-covered walls. Red can be vibrant and energizing, and yet, it seems soothing here. That moiré fabric is repeated on both the sofa and the table skirt, which further bathes the room in red so that this nook of a room feels safe and warm, as if nothing bad can happen here. (What I can't tell is if the sofa and table skirt are made of silk, like the walls, or rather cotton.)
Can we talk about those needlepoint pillows? They add warmth and texture, thanks to their wool thread, while their geometric and floral designs (which, by the way, are not too sweet-looking) add some pattern that keeps the room from feeling too peaceful and tranquil. To me, a room that is too restrained seems, well, unnerving and the antithesis of comfortable.
Then, there is ample but soft light. Again, if it were too dark, the space would seem a little scary. The lamps, much like the use of red, bathes the space in warmth. And Stefanidis' assemblage of art adds a layer of personality to the room. We might not understand why he chose to congregate these pieces together, but he does, and that's all that is important.
And then, you have those books. Lots and lots of them. If you remember reading Mr. Stefanidis' list of favorite books that appeared on this blog a few years ago, you know that the designer is very well-read, a trait that is probably attributed to these books. Or maybe it's the other way around. Perhaps the books' presence here can be attributed to the designer's love of books. Well, whatever, it's a wonderful room, and one which ranks up there as a personal, and perennial, favorite.
Photos #1 and #2 from Living in Style London