This year, we're seeing a Christian Dior revival. Not that the famous couturier was ever really far removed from our radars. We still invoke his name as one of the twentieth century's great tastemakers (that term is overused today, but Dior was a tastemaker in the truest sense of the word), and photos of his fashions still abound in books, magazines, and, of course, the internet. But, this year, Dior's work and legacy are more front and center than they usually are.
There is the exhibition, Impressions Dior, which is currently installed at Musée Christian Dior in Granville, France. The show explores Dior's work through the prism of Impressionist art, asserting that the couturier was influenced by nature (especially his garden), light, and reflections, just as Impressionist painters were. The show runs through September 22, but for those of us who might not have the opportunity to visit it in person, there is a soon-to-be-published book, Dior Impressions: The Inspiration and Influence of Impressionism at the House of Dior, that accompanies this exhibition.
This year's other notable Dior book, which will be published this fall, is Dior Glamour: 1952-1962, and it features fashion photographer Mark Shaw's photos of both the couturier as well as his frocks. Shaw shot some wonderful photos of that era's models outfitted in Dior, and he captured the models in some really sublime settings (including Dior's Paris Winter Garden, which is featured on the cover of this book.)
So, in honor of all things Dior, I am featuring photos of Dior's Paris l'hotel particulier. Dior's home featured the work of designers Georges Geffroy and Victor Grandpierre, both the ne plus ultra of French decorators. I think you'll agree that M. Dior's home was as elegant, and well appointed, as the clothes which made him a legend.
(You can pre-order both books via Amazon
The entrance hall to Dior's l'hotel particulier. Note the emerald green shantung that was used for both undercurtains as well as hangings along the stair rail.
Le Salon. Decorated by Geffroy, the room featured an antique Aubusson rug and a Sèvres jardinière.
Dior's Winter Garden which also served as a fumoir.
The drawing room was decorated by Victor Grandpierre.
Dior's Louis XVI bed with baldachin.
Also in the bedroom was this Louis XVI bureau plat.
This hall led to the bath. The doors were painted in the faux bois style.
Dior's bathtub was painted to mimic green marble. The curtains that framed the tub alcove were made of emerald-colored faille.